June 18th, 2024
by Brandon Starnes
by Brandon Starnes

The Gospel of Mark was written by the man himself, Mark
(Latin version) John Mark (Hebrew).
There is a lot of debate about which Gospel was written first.
Some believe that Matthew and Luke were first, with Mark
pulling his stories from them, while others believe that
Mark wrote first and Matthew and Luke drew from him.
We do not know for sure which one it is.
The Gospel of Mark was written to Christians in Rome. If
Mark was written at a later date, we know that there were
thousands of Christians being martyred in Rome at the
time. We also know that the early church met down in the
Catacombs, the graveyard of martyrs. They didn’t do it to
hide, but to remind themselves of the risk they were taking.
That’s where Mark would have read this Gospel to the other
believers. Think about how much more impactful that
would make the story.
Mark shows Jesus as a suffering servant in order to encourage
the audience to press on through any form of persecution
that they were dealing with. He shows the power and
actions of Jesus more than the other gospels in order to
prove this servant was truly the King.
Jesus as the suffering servant.
Key Verse
“For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve,
and to give His life as a ransom for many.” (10:45 ESV)
Mark is a unique book, in that it highlights miracles far more than teachings. He includes
18 miracles in these 16 chapters, with only four parables and one major discourse. Mark does not give any of Christ’s ancestry, since the theme is that Christ is a servant, and people don’t care about a servant’s ancestry. Mark himself was too young to be a disciple,
but he was fascinated with Jesus so he hung around him as much as possible. He was
also hyperactive. The word “immediately” is repeated 41x because he was always on the go
from one place to the next. He couldn’t sit still and wanted to be front and center in all of the action. That’s why the book of Mark focuses so heavily on the actions of Jesus instead of his sermons.
Towards the end of the Gospel, Mark decided to narrow his focus and really display the reason for Christ’s arrival in Jerusalem (and on earth in general). Mark gives us the most in-depth look at the final week in all of the Gospels. Jesus knew what was going to happen, and it wasn’t pretty. His life was to be laid down as an exchange for all of the sins of humanity. He actually became sin so we could be seen as sinless. Every disease, every anger issue, every addiction, every evil desire from the past, present, and future were nailed to the cross so we could be set free. What we struggle with today was already taken care of 2,000 years ago.
If Jesus is your personal Savior, you are FREE.
Resource From www.thebrandsunday.com
The Gospel of Mark was written by the man himself, Mark
(Latin version) John Mark (Hebrew).
There is a lot of debate about which Gospel was written first.
Some believe that Matthew and Luke were first, with Mark
pulling his stories from them, while others believe that
Mark wrote first and Matthew and Luke drew from him.
We do not know for sure which one it is.
The Gospel of Mark was written to Christians in Rome. If
Mark was written at a later date, we know that there were
thousands of Christians being martyred in Rome at the
time. We also know that the early church met down in the
Catacombs, the graveyard of martyrs. They didn’t do it to
hide, but to remind themselves of the risk they were taking.
That’s where Mark would have read this Gospel to the other
believers. Think about how much more impactful that
would make the story.
Mark shows Jesus as a suffering servant in order to encourage
the audience to press on through any form of persecution
that they were dealing with. He shows the power and
actions of Jesus more than the other gospels in order to
prove this servant was truly the King.
Jesus as the suffering servant.
Key Verse
“For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve,
and to give His life as a ransom for many.” (10:45 ESV)
Mark is a unique book, in that it highlights miracles far more than teachings. He includes
18 miracles in these 16 chapters, with only four parables and one major discourse. Mark does not give any of Christ’s ancestry, since the theme is that Christ is a servant, and people don’t care about a servant’s ancestry. Mark himself was too young to be a disciple,
but he was fascinated with Jesus so he hung around him as much as possible. He was
also hyperactive. The word “immediately” is repeated 41x because he was always on the go
from one place to the next. He couldn’t sit still and wanted to be front and center in all of the action. That’s why the book of Mark focuses so heavily on the actions of Jesus instead of his sermons.
Towards the end of the Gospel, Mark decided to narrow his focus and really display the reason for Christ’s arrival in Jerusalem (and on earth in general). Mark gives us the most in-depth look at the final week in all of the Gospels. Jesus knew what was going to happen, and it wasn’t pretty. His life was to be laid down as an exchange for all of the sins of humanity. He actually became sin so we could be seen as sinless. Every disease, every anger issue, every addiction, every evil desire from the past, present, and future were nailed to the cross so we could be set free. What we struggle with today was already taken care of 2,000 years ago.
If Jesus is your personal Savior, you are FREE.
Resource From www.thebrandsunday.com
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