Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
Athens First Methodist Church Children's Ministry strives to teach children about the love of Jesus Christ in a welcoming, engaging, energetic, exciting, and safe environment. We aim to partner with parents to help kids develop their own relationship with Jesus and love for God. Children from infancy to fifth grade are invited to participate in a variety of activities, tailored to their ages and stages.

We have Sunday School at 10 a.m. each week for children ages 3-5th grade. For infants-2 years, we provide nursery care on the children's hallway in the Main Building.
Wednesday Night Live
WNL is a weekly time for children to have fun and fellowship while learning about God's great love for us. Join us ages 4-5th Grade!
Meeting Times
5:00pm - 5:30pm
Wednesday Night Live
Grades 1st - 5th
(Meets In Main Building 1st Floor)
5:30pm - 6:15pm
Wednesday Night Live
Ages 4 - K
(Meets In Main Building 1st Floor)
Meeting Times
5:00pm - 5:30pm
Wednesday Night Live
Grades 1st - 5th
(Meets In Main Building 1st Floor)
5:30pm - 6:15pm
Wednesday Night Live
Ages 4 - K
(Meets In Main Building 1st Floor)
Music is one of the most affective ways to impress God' Word on the heart's of children. Our children's choir is a blessing to our church. Ages 4-5th Grade.
Meeting Times
5:00pm - 5:30pm
Cherub Choir
Ages 4 - K
(Meets In Choir Room)
5:30pm - 6:15pm
Wesley Choir
Grades 1st - 5th
(Meets In Choir Room)
Meeting Times
5:00pm - 5:30pm
Cherub Choir
Ages 4 - K
(Meets In Choir Room)
5:30pm - 6:15pm
Wesley Choir
Grades 1st - 5th
(Meets In Choir Room)
Junior United Methodist Program (JUMP) is a monthly ministry for our 4th & 5th graders. We always have a fun activity, paired with deeper Bible study and discussion. This program is a good primer for youth.
Steps in Faith
This milestone program was designed to teach our 5th graders how to better participate in worship. Students learn more about Christianity and the Methodist tradition through study and memorization.
Confirmation is a special time for our 6th graders to explore their own faith and personal relationship with Christ. This 13-week study takes place during Sunday School hour each spring, and includes two mini-retreats.
Vacation Bible School is one of our favorite times of the year! Our biggest children's outreach of the year, VBS is filled with singing, playing, and exploring Bible Truths that we pray establishes a foundation for a life-long walk with Christ. Children ages 3-rising 5th graders and volunteers of all ages are encouraged to attend!
Special events
Athens First Methodist Church hosts a variety of events throughout the year for the entire family to enjoy! Annual events include the Fall Festival, Family Advent Night, Tom & Doris Dean Memorial Easter Egg Hunt, and Father-Daughter Dance. We will also host other fellowship events throughout the year.